Hearing Taiwan’s literary music: a companion to the discography of Chyi Yu

To complement my article in the 2020 Spring issue of Cultural Bulletin, I made this mixtape so that you can have a listen to the music that I talked about.


1. 橄榄树 (The Olive Tree, 1979)
2. 祝福 (Wishes, 1981)
3. 雨丝 (Threads of Rain, 1983)
4. 梦田 (Field of Dreams, 1985)
5. 今世 (This Life, 1985)
6. Stories (1987)
7. 有没有这种说法 (Any Words Like This, 1988)
8. 飞鸟与鱼 (Fish and Bird, 1997)
9. 四十个无亲无故的年头 (Forty Lone Years, 1997)
10. 莲花处处开 (Lotus, 2004)
11. 预感 (Presentiment, 1979)